All my anglerfish mugs are female. The thing is, when male angler fish are born, they float helplessly through the dark ocean depths until they bump into a female angler, then they bite onto her and she forms skin around them. They become one animal, the male losing all autonomy. When the female is ready to release eggs, she sends a hormone to the male who then releases sperm. All of my angler fish mugs come with at least one little male attached. Ahhh, deep-ocean love!

Bats are best.

Beholders! Many eyes, many glazes.

Also can be a raven, if she is glazed in Ice Black or Stone Black

Big belly looks great in any glaze!

Black Phillip, Black Phillip King of sky and land, Black Phillip, Black Phillip King of sea and sand. We are ye servants, We are ye men. Black Phillip eats the lions From the lions' den.

The cutest starter Pokemon, for sure

The happiest crab! Or sometimes the crabbiest crab, check with me to see what crab moods I have in stock :)

The Chibithulhu is so damned happy.

Cthulhu comes in many varieties: happy, angry, worried, red eyes, blue eyes, orange eyes, many ways to see Cthulhu

So much anger for one little fish guy

So many ways to make a demon. Some have wings, some have shadows under their eyes, red eyes, orange eyes, all have pointy tails.

Frank has many scars, sometimes a chunk out of his head. All franks are unique

puffer fish!

Built with Granite cone 10 clay and left unglazed on the outside, these little guys have a distinct stone look. Each one is different, wings, teeth, mouth and eye styles all vary.

Ghost looks great in almost all my glazes. Ghost can also look scared or happy.

Dead Inside Stay In Bed Stay Dead I'm Dead So many epitaphs to choose from.

So many happy!

AH. The Lava Monster. This finish is amazing looking, but takes quite awhile to accomplish. I start by using a seed pod to get the texture. I build out the face, adding the horns teeth and eyes. I then paint a colored slip over the whole mug and wait for that to dry. I then paint a black slip of that, leaving the color in the recesses. Then touch up with the base color. I only glaze the inside leaving the bright contrast between the black and colored slips on the outside.

Full of mischief and terror. Each one is different, most have chains, but fangs vary.

Mothman, cryptozoological animal from the Appalachian mountains of West Virginia, the land of my father.

Mummy can be happy or sad or angry and always comes with a little maggot friend.

These are just so danged happy. And grumpy. And vampire-y. Some with skulls, some with frogs, some just hangin' by themselves.

I don't know what this is, but it is NOT a bear.

So happy! But can also be grumpy. Watch out.

Get a flavor of the Pacific North West with your own Sasquatch

The first design I made when I started ceramics 15 years ago.

Is it Covid fatigue or just baseline fatigue? Does it really matter?

The second cutest starter Pokemon :)

Tentacly sea monsters are the best sea monsters

Sloth are the sweetest little things.

So many eyes!

Who doesn't need a tapeworm to keep them comnapy?

Unicorns come with different tails, orange, blue, pink, red, green and sometimes, rarely, in rainbow!

You have a little something on your chin.... a little more to the right, no, more, no it's still there, You know what? Never mind, you look great.

Werewoofs unite! We are WEREwolves, not SWEARwolves!

A cautionary tail about cannibalism

Yetis have a variety of face colors, orange, green, black, blue...

Oh the classic zombie. Now with blood!
The designs above have a lot of variety. For example, the spiders are happy or angry, crabs are crabby or maybe jovial.